Friday, June 24, 2011

Three Cheers Empire

More later on this, I'm sure. But given the historic nature of this evening's events in New York, I think it's important to heartily praise the State of New York for just passing legislation to legalize gay marriage.

It is incomprehensible to me that a country that aspires to equality as a foundation can somehow justify the differential treatment of some against others. New York - by legalizing marriage for all via the legislative process (as opposed to the less-than-democratic judicial process) - has made vital progress in this regard.

The conciliatory effort to satisfy both sides through civil unions was simply to reiterate Plessy v. Ferguson by other means. And New York's statement tonight is reminiscent of Brown - that separate but equal is inherently unequal.

Now is time for the President to make a statement on this - to affirm the centrality of equality for all. To do anything otherwise, I'm afraid, is to simply to decree - no matter what the rationale - that we live in a society whereby people may be treated differentially by the state.

(Photo credit: 

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